Customer O/A Payment Analysis report

About the report

This report provides you with a list of your customers and the average amount of time it takes them to fully pay off their outstanding invoices. You can optionally filter the report on:

Run the report

  1. On the Report Catalog window – Customer tab, select Customer O/A Payment Analysis.
  2. Click Run. The Customer O/A Payment Analysis window displays.
  3. Enter your report parameters in the Customer Type, Location, and Aging boxes.
  4. Select your preferred level of report detail.

Hint: To save your report settings, right-click on the window and select Save New Report Preferences. The next time you run the report, you can right-click on the window and select the saved preferences without re-entering all of the report criteria.

  1. Click OK. The Select Output Destination window displays.
  2. Select your desired output destination and click OK. The report is sent to print preview, a printer, a file location, or email, depending on your report output selections.

Did you know? To quickly enter today's date in any Date boxes, press T on your keyboard. To quickly back-date or forward-date by one day, use the Hyphen key (-) and Equal key (=) on your keyboard (alternatively, use the Minus Sign and Plus Sign keys on your keyboard number pad). To quickly back-date or forward-date by one month, use the Page Up and Page Down keys on your keyboard. Press F6 to display a calendar and select a date.


The following thumbnail illustrates the Customer O/A Payment Analysis report. Click the thumbnail to view an interactive image.

Customer O/A Payment Analysis report